The natural color and smell of the old, antique dresser is always lovable. However, you can tweak the appearance of your brownish dresser into something else, such as an antique white dresser. True to its nature, there are certain charms you can only get from white furniture, and you can get some through your own old dresser.
The repainting process is surprisingly simple, as you can make a DIY antique white chest of drawers. For starts, you will have to clean the dresser out of dust and other damage, no matter how slight it is. If the dresser was painted with oil paint, you can start using adherent white color primer paint.
Once the first layer is done, it is time to prepare the main event: Total repainting. Paint the dresser white, and you must do it on hot and sunny day to fasten the drying. After you paint it carefully and beautifully, you can start waxing the dresser with clear natural wax.
Once the waxing is done, the finishing touch is to buff the dresser nice and clean. Finally, the repainting process is done. But now, you must be wondering why you want to go this far to repaint your old and antique dresser.
It might be a shame to change the color of a natural heritage. After all, many people already know how precious a natural antique dresser is. However, by knowing the right combination and styles, you will find out that white furniture has its own charm.
There are plenty of room designs you can apply by making use of the customized antique white dresser. For one, you can make the whole room white by applying white color to every aspect of your room, such as the wall, furniture, and the other house ware within. Another design style you can apply by using white armoire is the Belgian-inspired room.
Perhaps it has something to do with your own taste. After all, having a total white room interior is beautiful in its own way. Even though the sacrifice of changing the natural heritages is inevitable, you will get your own satisfaction through the repainting and redecorating.
Clearly, there are many other ways you can do to make use of your antique white dresser. By painting the dresser clean and clear, and also designing your own room perfectly, you can make a totally new design that satisfies your brilliant effort of change.